The Value of Employee Engagement and Team Building

Season #3

In 2020, the value of employee engagement and the importance of having an engaged workforce was never more urgent. Organizations with high employee engagement were more resilient and able to weather the many challenges that came with a pandemic, an economic collapse and societal unrest. Executive coaching has also been successful in helping project management teams. Employee quit rates are now reaching record highs and the “great resignation” has not even peaked yet! Lastly, among actively disengaged workers 74% are either actively looking for new employment or watching for openings. As of April, gallup said 72% of U.S. white-collar workers were still working from home, compared with 14% of blue-collar workers. there is a great need for employee engagement strategies and employee engagement ideas that can be implemented. This means it matters more now than ever before to have an employee engagement plan that works for everybody. Even at the tourism school. It's always good to start with an employee engagement survey before developing any employee engagement activities.