What is a Resilient Leader - Episode 13

Season #1 Episode #13

What is a Resilient Leader


What is a resilient leader? Many times, I'm asked what some of the most important traits are that a leader can possess? My first answer is always persistence and resiliency! A person who is resilient maintains a positive attitude and is always looking for opportunities even when business is down.


On today's solutions oriented leader podcast we are going to examine what is true resiliency   and how will it help you to achieve your goals as a leader. If you are looking to achieve more of your goals as a leader make sure to check out the solutions-oriented leader book which is available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com and all other fine bookstores.




If you're looking to take your game to another level and are interested in executive coaching, make sure to contact us at [email protected] or call us directly at 888-267-6098.


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Dr. Rick