5 Keys To Choosing The Best Keynote Speaker Episode 30

Season #1 Episode #30

5 Keys to Choosing The Best Keynote Speaker


Choosing the best keynote speaker for your next meeting is one of the most important decisions you could make that can help determine the positive outcome of your meeting and a return on investment for your attendees and your organization. In fact, having the right speakers in conference lineup can help to increase your attendance numbers year after year!


There are number things that you need to know about choosing the best motivational keynote speaker for your conference. Here are five that I feel are crucial in order to make the best decision and choose the best keynote speaker.


  1. What will be unique and different about your speaker? Do they have a book? Is there point of view new and different?


  1. Will the speaker be available, or will they deliver their speech, pick up their check and head for the door?


  1. Does the speaker’s material fit with the theme of your event? A speaker could be World class however if their material is contrary to the goals of your event it’s not a fit.


  1. Will the speaker help promote the event on social media or by providing pre conference video to help increase and drive attendance?


  1. Will the speaker act like a diva who needs special attention making your life difficult?


These are all important considerations which will also provide you with questions to ask your potential keynote speakers in the future.


If you’re considering hiring the best motivational keynote speaker for your next meeting give us a call or connect with us by email to see how we can add value to your meeting. You can reach us at [email protected] Or call us at 888-267-6098